With recent advances in tattoo removal technology, unwanted tattoos of all colours and sizes can be removed. However, some misconceptions based off outdated removal technologies often hold people back from removing their unwanted ink. To alleviate any confusion, our expert technician, Jim [hyperlink: https://unthink.ca/about/], put together a list of seven things you might not know about tattoo removal.
With the revolutionary PicoWay laser by Syneron Candela, complete tattoo clearance takes less time than with other leading technology. Laser pulses with our technology are so quick they are measured in picoseconds (one trillionth of a second). That’s 1000 times faster than other leading technology. With PicoWay’s more efficient pulses and capable wavelengths, our clients require less downtime in between removal sessions which can shave up to 56 weeks off the entire process. Most clients achieve complete clearance in under a year.
Contrary to what you may think, the laser does not burn or remove the ink out of the skin. Well then how does it work? The laser pulses shatter the ink pigments into smaller pieces that the body can then absorb and naturally removes through its lymphatic system. Although superior technology can help keep your laser tattoo removal efficiency, it is equally important to keep your body healthy, rested and hydrated throughout your treatments since it does all the work.
Do not be alarmed at the sight of white residue on your skin during or immediately after your laser tattoo removal treatments. This is called frosting, a perfectly natural and expected side effect of laser tattoo removal. When frosting occurs, it is a sign that your body’s natural healing process has begun and that the energy emitted from the laser has successfully shattered the ink. Similar in appearance to the frosting you find on baked goods. This chemical reaction may be alarming if you aren’t aware of its occurrence but it’s actually a very positive step in your journey to ink-free skin. Frosting lasts approximately 15 to 30 minutes and can be soothed with a cold compress provided by our expert laser technician.
Many clients ask if they will permanently lose their hair after laser tattoo removal treatments. The answer is no, lasers used for tattoo removal differ than those used to laser hair removal. No burning of the skin or hair occurs in tattoo removal. The energy and heat of the pulses are absorbed by the ink which then breaks down and is removed through the body’s natural processes. Our technology is so advanced that it can recognize the difference between pigmented skin and ink pigment making it safe for even darker skin tones. The surrounding skin will not burn however some redness immediately post-treatment is normal. The PicoWay laser used at Unthink Inc. was FDA approved in 2016 and has been used by hundreds of professionals in successful removal across North America since.
Facial tattoos are also no longer permanent. As mentioned in the point above, the PicoWay laser is extremely safe. Although facial skin is more sensitive, the PicoWay laser is more efficient and more comfortable than other tattoo removal technologies on the market. Using the Zimmer Cyro Chiller to cool the skin. Jim of Unthink Inc. comfortably removes permanent makeup such as eyebrow tattoos, eyeliner, and semi-permanent microblading.
For more information on permanent makeup removal, click here.
With past laser tattoo removal technologies, lighter ink colours such as red, yellow or green were too difficult to remove (especially on darker skin tones) and would often result in intense pain for the client. With PicoWay’s three separate laser wavelengths—532nm, 1064nm and the new 785nm—Unthink Inc. can alter, fade or remove any ink despite i’s intricacy or colour.
And no, you won’t notice it the next time you’re in the bathroom. As mentioned before the laser does not do the actual removal of the ink. It instead breaks down the ink particles so they can be absorbed through the body’s immune system. After dispersing into your bloodstream, liver and then kidneys, the ink particles are naturally excreted. Because healthy circulation encourages this process. Regular exercise with cardio and added hydration can help make your tattoo removal process more efficient.
Still feel like you may not know everything about laser tattoo removal? Book your no-obligation consultation with our expert tattoo removal technician, Jim.
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