Why does my tattoo look darker or more vibrant post laser tattoo removal session? The skeptics love this question and we really do wish there was a Magic Eraser that could make your ink disappear overnight but that’s just not the case.
Unthink Inc.’s technology helps shave up to 52 weeks off the tattoo removal process. Using Syneron Candela’s PicoWay laser , tattoos can be completely cleared in as little as six sessions compared to the 10 to 14 sessions it would take with traditional (and painful) Q-Switched lasers.
To understand why your tattoo may darken during some parts of the process, you need to understand that the body remove the ink, not the laser. That being said, the body needs time to process the laser’s work —this doesn’t happen immediately post-treatment but in the weeks following.
The laser targets the ink pigments breaking them down into smaller pieces which can be removed through the body’s natural processes.Thinking of your tattoo as a beach is probably the easiest way to understand why your tattoo can look more vibrant post-treatment.
Once your immune system has removed the smallest pieces of ink (think of this as sand), the larger pieces of ink (think of this as rocks) are revealed below. The tide (your immune system) consistently comes through after each session and removes the sand revealing the new rocks below. These rocks are then broken up into smaller pieces which can be removed by the body in your next session until you reach complete clearance.
If you are noticing more vibrance, you are seeing the new layer of ink to be targeted by the laser. Depending on your tattoo, the first two or three sessions may have this effect. To ensure your sessions are as efficient as possible, it is essential to maintain a healthy immune system. Meeting the recommended daily water intake, exercising regularly (after the initial 48 hours of keeping the treatment area dry), and avoiding unhealthy habits such as smoking can all help clear your ink faster. To read more about our recommended aftercare program and how to get the most out of your tattoo removal sessions, click here.
Throughout your tattoo removal journey, talk to your laser technician about your concerns—they should be your resource for what to expect four weeks post-treatment verses eight week post-treatment. It’s important to stay encouraged and trust the science behind PicoWay.
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