With eyebrow trends changing each year, most women are now opting to stay on trend with semi-permanent solutions. For those who have undergone permanent solutions such as eyebrow tattoos, Unthink Inc. can help you successfully make way for newer treatments. Such as feathering and microblading with our advanced tattoo fading, altering and removal treatments.
For optimal eyebrow tattoo removal success follow Unthink Inc.’s top four tips:
If you have a big event coming up such as your wedding or a tropical vacation. It may not be the best time to start your eyebrow tattoo removal. In the weeks following each laser tattoo removal session, the treatment area is more sensitive to the sun’s UV rays. Unsafe sun exposure can lead to hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation or even scarring. Similarly, two weeks prior each session direct sun exposure should be avoided to ensure the skin is healed and able to undergo laser treatment.
Although no downtime is required post laser tattoo removal with our advanced laser. Flaking of the skin is natural and makeup must be avoided for the first 24 to 48 hours. Thus begin said, the best time to start laser tattoo removal is when you can follow our aftercare recommendations and keep the area protected. Typically eyebrow tattoos only take two sessions to clear as the pigment is not as deep as your traditional tattoo; however every client’s skin and tattoo is different and may require more/fewer sessions. To plan your eyebrow tattoo removal schedule around the events in your life. Book your free consultation with our expert laser technician today.
We understand that unwanted ink on your face is far more difficult to hide than unwanted tattoos on other areas of the body. If your eyebrow tattoo results aren’t what you pictured, you may be inclined to rush into the removal process; however, this will not speed overall removal process. Tattoos of any kind (eyebrow tattoos and microblading included) must have time to set into the dermis layer of the skin before the laser can successful target the pigment. We recommend a minimum of 8 to 12 weeks post-tattooing before starting the removal process. We do suggest however, you make your consultation and start planning process early to avoid any disappointment with our laser technician’s availability.
Our laser is extremely precise allowing us to alter or fade just parts of your eyebrow tattoos or microblading. So the questions is, do you want to start completely fresh with your brows or do you want to alter them into the shape you desire? At Unthink Inc., collaborate with tattoo artists to ensure our clients receive the results they desire. All alterations to eyebrow tattoos are outlined with a white pencil in detail prior to lasering to ensure our client’s get their ideal results. We can also help fade the entirety of your eyebrow tattoos to allow for better microblading cover ups. These tend to have a more natural hair-like strokes. Talk to your esthetician, tattoo artist and our laser technician about the best options for you.
You may have reservations about a laser coming into contact with your eyebrow hairs; however, the wavelengths and function of a tattoo removal laser is completely separate to that of a hair removal laser. With our advanced PicoWay laser technology, we are able to safely and effectively remove unwanted ink pigments underneath eyebrow hairs, without causing permanent hair loss. Some hairs may temporarily fall out or loose pigmentation due to the heat energy emitted by the laser. Rest assured this is only temporary (and easily filled in with makeup in between treatments).
Don’t let your regrettable eyebrow tattoo dictate your confidence—let the experts at Unthink Inc. remove your unwanted ink, safely and effectively. Book your free consultation today.
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